Mostly Done

Happy Independence Day to those in the U.S. It’s funny, I started looking into wargames about a year ago. I though maybe the American Revolution would be a fun period to game in. I’d learn some history of the founding of my country while getting some gaming in. And here I am now, just finishing my first playable army. It has nothing to do with American history, or even reality, but hey, that’s life.

I’m going to go ahead and call the Necron army Mostly Done. The big boys with plasma blades aren’t done, since I wasn’t sure how to paint them (the blades). But everything else is pretty much done. I missed the end of June by a couple of days, but I now have a totally playable Combat Patrol to start playing 40k with, so I’ll take this as a win.

Also I worked a little on the Untamed Beasts. They’re not done, but they are getting there. I don’t even have anyone to play Warcry with yet, so that project is not in as much as a hurry.

In other news, I bought an airbrush. I’m hoping it will make some of the boring steps (like base coating) go faster. I think it will be a fun tool to learn. Wish me luck.

For next steps, I would like to get the Necrons to 100% so I can totally put the project to bed. It will still nag at me that it’s not done. I guess that means commiting to a painting method for the plasma blades, even if they don’t look good. So be it. Done is better than perfect. For Warcry, I think I’ll have to build up two warbands if I want to play. So maybe finish off the Untamed Beasts, then one of the warbands from Catacombs, then work on the terrain.

Until next time, game on!


All the Necrons are based and primed, and they have a coat of metalic paint on them. It’s getting close to done. I bought some green paint for the glowing bits, but it hasn’t arrived. If it doesn’t show up soon, this project might not get done by the end of the month. Not a huge deal. As long as it gets done ASAP.

I’ve still got some work I can do without the green paint, though. I’ve got to make the models look aged. Probably I’ll just slap on a brown cotrast paint and call it a day, but maybe I’ll try some different techniques while I wait for the green.

No work on the Untamed Beasts. I’d like to get some of the core terrain built and painted to go with them, so maybe Warcry will be my project after the Necrons.

And that’s about it for this week. This blog is doing its job pretty well. Just knowing I have to write a post gives me that push to work on the project. Hopefully I’ll build up momentum and get more and more done as time goes on.

Until next time, game on!

Building is Hard

I’ve found that I don’t really like building models. It’s long and tedious and boring. So for my last sprue of Necrons, I thought I’d just cut them all out, clean them up, and glue them all in one big batch. I mean, they’re all warriors, so surely you can mix and match parts…

Well actually no. The arms only work with certain backs, the chests only work with certain back/arm combos, and the heads only work with certain necks. But it was too late to turn back, so I just crammed things together until they fit. So that’s maybe not great, but it does mean the all the Indomitus Necrons are built!

Really, I got all the building done in a couple of days. If I was more disciplined, I could have gotten more done this week, but I’ll still take this as a win. I’ll work on basing and priming this week.

As for painting, I think I’m just gonna go with a simple metalic paint job, maybe add some rust, and green for the glowy bits. Just keep it simple and get it done.

I also started painting the Untamed Beasts that came in the Warcry starter set. Warcry looks like a lot of fun, and the starter set came with some terrain so I won’t have to play on a bare table. Hopefully I’ll get that game to the table soon.

And that’s about it for this week. Hopefully the next post will be with fully painted Necrons. Until then, game on!

The First (real) Post

Hello, and welcome to the blog! This is going to hold all my hobby progress and maybe some stories of gaming, too. But first we’ll do this little introductory post.

I’m new to wargaming. Actually, that’s really why I’m starting this blog. I’ve bought a bunch of stuff, built a little of it, and painted almost nothing. Despite this, I keep wanting to buy more! So I thought the best thing to do would be to somehow hold myself accountable for my hobby progress. That’s what this blog is all about, being honest about the progress I make. Hopefully that will push me to actually finish all this stuff before buying more. We’ll see.

The first project on the workbench is The Osiris Project: building and painting a Combat Patrol force of Necrons by the end of June. A couple of friends and I have been trying to get into 40k over the summer. I bought the Indomitus box when it came out, and I built and painted enough warriors to make a Kill Team, but now I’d like to finish the models in the box to play full 40k. I’m pretty close. I’ve only got one more sprue of warriors/scarabs to build, then it’s on to priming and painting.

I’m not sure how I want to paint them, though. I think I’ll take a day or two to paint some test models and see what I like. I don’t want to get too bogged down by that, though. I know I can waste the rest of the month worrying about getting the right color scheme. Just gotta make a decision and keep the forward movement.

So that’s the plan. I’ll check back in later when I’ve made some progress. Until next time, game on!